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To stir your vision for fulfilling the Great Commission


We want to help churches participate in the Great Commission by partnering with Every Nation churches to assess, train, and deploy missionaries.


Honor God by Making Disciples


All In

Because of the cross of Christ and His call to take the Gospel to every nation, we embrace the mission wholeheartedly and consider no sacrifice to be too great. 


Better Together

Because of the magnitude of God's mission and the biblical mandate for relationship, we dare not work or walk alone.


Extra Mile

Because of the sacredness of work and the promise of eternal reward, we serve with joy, work with excellence, and go beyond what is required. 


Stay Hungry

Because of the importance of spiritual growth and the danger of stagnation, we fervently pursue Christ and actively practice the spiritual disciplines. 


It is a response (obedience) to Jesus words:


"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20




Jesus used both teaching and short expeditions to train his disciples. On one trip, twelve of them were sent (Luke 9) for a few weeks to visit the villages of Galilee. Also, he sent out 72 more in Luke 10. When they returned, they shared with Jesus -- and probably each other -- all about what happened on the trip. This model Jesus used for sending out his disciples is what we envision for Ten Days participants. Your team is provided with specific guidelines as to where to go, what to do, and how to serve. We've found that participants also return overjoyed by how God used them to serve others and by how He changed them in the process.


Ten Days Mission's focus on new Every Nation Church Plants by engaging and establishing new believers in their faith. 




What if I never have done this before?


We've got good news: Each Ten Days mission experience assumes that it's your first. Our training program, "Ten Steps to Ten Days," will help you easily prepare for every aspect of the trip, including...


  • Goals and practical expectations

  • Transportation

  • Spiritual preparation

  • Evangelism

  • Fundraising using our online systems

  • Cross-culture sensitivity

  • Communication with ministry partners

  • Schedules and team contact info

  • Emergencies and contingencies

  • Debriefing when you return

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