MContact provides peer support and career development for our cross cultural missionaries/church planters who are preparing to go on the field or who are already on the field. MContact also provides debriefing for returning missionaries/church planters with the local church as well as counseling on and off the field. MContact provide an assisting role to our local church and clusters missional care program, by providing resources that can assist them in caring for their missionaries.
How does it work?
The support structure for peers and career development is done through several ways: a WhatsApp group for easy communication, a monthly Zoom meeting, and the sharing of resources in a shared Google drive. The monthly Zoom MContact meeting, which happens on the first Thursday of every month, provides the main focus of peer support and career development. Every month leaders from our Every Nation Southern Africa region and/or clusters are invited to share and encourage missionaries and church planters around the globe. Every alternative month focus on prayer with the following months focus on impartation and training. Breakout rooms during the Zoom call allow for smaller, and more focused group discussions on the relevant topics and provide opportunity for individual prayer.